Applications for 2021 Scholarships are now open
Applications for a number of scholarships are now open.
Applications for a number of scholarships are now open.
Following Friday's announcement by the Prime Minister of a three-step plan to a COVID-safe Australia, the Premier provided a timeline for the easing of restrictions in Tasmania.
Congratulations to all students and families who participated in our House Cross Country and Wellbeing Day, the results were extraordinary!
On Saturday 25 April 2020, Anzac Day was celebrated much differently with no community gatherings permitted. Our community managed to find new ways to pay their respect to those who have served our nation, with many up at dawn to participate in a virtual dawn service and hear the sound of the last post echoed through the suburbs.
After a busy and challenging first term, I trust you and your family enjoyed time together over the Easter and term break.
As we approach the end of what has been a fast-paced and constantly changing term, we thank our parent/carer community and boys for their understanding and support during this challenging time.
Attention parents/carers: please check Edsmart for the most recent communication that requires your response by 12.00pm Thursday 26 March 2020.
Tasmanian Premier, Peter Gutwein, today announced significantly increased border protection measures for travelers entering Tasmania as an additional measure to minimise the potential spread of COVID-19. In line with the new Tasmanian border restrictions, all family members of students at The Hutchins School are to self-isolate for 14 days on arrival back into the State. This also applies to all interstate domestic travel.
The Tasmanian Minister for Education has today announced additional precautionary COVID-19 measures in Tasmanian schools based on advice from Public Health Services. All preventative measures aim to minimise potential spread through social distancing. The Hutchins School has expanded our social distancing measures in line with the requirements for the Department of Education schools as outlined by the Minister.
Please be advised that due to updated information on Coronavirus (COVID-19), The Hutchins School is postponing Leap into Learning until further notice.
To learn more about the opportunities we provide for boys to become their best, contact our Enrolments Assistant, submit an online Enquiry form or phone 03 6221 4236. We encourage you to book a tour with our Registrar as this is the best way to see our School in action. Read more…